Nothing can slow Him down!
- Published on 09 February 2015
Sreejith Narayan
A few months ago I had a wonderful dream on Swami's Reappearance which I had shared during some of my talks.
In the dream I saw Swami has returned looking young, vibrant and beaming with great energy.
The scene was a long half-paved road that ran for miles. A multitude of people thronged either sides of the road in anticipation of having a Darshan. The fortunate ones in the few front rows were seated on the ground but the others behind were standing, craning their necks to catch a glimpse of Swami. I was seated in the front row in some random spot. Then I saw Swami emerging from a distance, walking in so fast that the volunteers had a tough time catching up with Him. In fact, the volunteers had to run in order to follow Him closely. It was a "blink and you shall miss" kind of a Darshan. He was quickly closing in on the spot where I was sitting. Suddenly I noticed that there was a big wide trench on the road just in front of where I was seated. I became very anxious and worried that Swami would fall into the trench at the speed which He was walking. There was no way anyone could jump over that. Aghast, I then realized that Swami was already near the trench. Looking at Him helplessly, I prayed "Swami please watch your step". Seeing that He was not slowing down, I decided to "offer" Him a helping hand! I extended my right hand above and towards the center of the trench hoping that Swami could probably keep one step on my hand and then leap over to the other side. However, before I could request Him to step on my outstretched hand, He came in like a whirlwind and with a big long step crossed over the wide trench as if it was nothing! Doing so He looked at me chidingly, seeming to ask "You fool! having measured this entire earth with one step (during the Vamana Avatar), you thought this tiny trench would be a big deal for Me?". He then walked off and in a flash, disappeared into the distant crowd. End of the dream.
Later on, a prominent Sai devotee well known in the Sai world, mentioned to me that when Swami returns it will be difficult for His devotees to keep pace with His new projects, initiatives, and travels. I was immediately reminded of my above dream for the obvious analogy. How He leaped over the trench with ease, is symbolic that nothing can stop Him and that no impediments are significant enough to slow Him down!
Swami's movements cant be limited or stopped by any one or any situation! He is in a
mega run! He will be moving around the world giving dharshan and closeness
to all the devotees who didnt get that opportunity before Mahasamadhi!
May our Lord be with us for ever!
It has been my prayer also for an opportunity to work full time in His Mission which is going to be fulfilled shortly,
Jai Sai Ram
Now he need not travel in the old car.Similarly Swami will come in a new body.
Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha published in Nov 2014 and subsequent discourses contain mind boggling Divine prophecies.
'Defeats' experienced by Avathaars are part of Leela
My power is immeasurable; My truth is inexplicable, unfathomable.
What I will, must take place; what I plan must succeed. I am Truth; and Truth has no need to hesitate, or fear, or bend."
Brindhaavan, 19-6-1974
(Surah Hud 11:86)
Excerpts from Swami's recent discourse
[...]"Today, Swami is here because you all have prayed for Him to come- as individuals and even collectively,as devotees. You may ask, why only few of us are here today? Why not all the devotees from the UK?
One day all will be here, but it depends on who yearns more; he gets the opportunity first.Just as the child that is more hungry gets food first,those who are really hungry get to know Him more than the others. Not only devotees, the whole world will be at the Feet of Sai one day.You may witness it if you live long enough.
But today, I have decided to speak here with a few of you.Many of you might be thinking, "Why is it this way? Why not the other way of experiencing Him? Why can't I listen to Him?
Definitely, you can." [...]
_________ Excerpted from Divine Discourse on 26th August 2014 at London,
in the residence of Dr. Girish Malhotra.