Where did You go Swami?

By Prasanna Sugathan

Swami what a play it has been
How carefully You trumped the docs
No option but to 'let' You go
No one could fathom just how this could be...

How could it be true this is a bad dream
Our Swami's supposed to be here longer
The Lunar story You laugh was a bit looney 
Didn't seem right when math should be exact

Did You know Swami how much we Love You
The day that You held up Your hands as 'Goodbye'
Looked quite different than 'Pinne Kaanaam'
Seemed more finite when You went away

As You Loved us and took on our misdeeds
Did we not note Your neck veins and swollen feet
The same Kamala Charanam how could it be
Rounded with swelling not lean as before

How did we not worry that our Bhagawan 
Would heal us not Himself for the sake of humanity
Swami, heal Thyself we cried to You Swami
You seemed not to benefit from medical care

All of those instances did You not help us
Healing and fixing and miracling cures
Tumors disappearing surgeries not needed
Those who lived six years when expected months

You Swami yes Swami You alone could 
Carefully orchestrate all that and more
Soothing folks in MRI tunnel and
Showing them their own resuscitation

You had been Everywhere Everyday Swami
Then You decided You'd discard Your body
How is it that You didn't heed our cries
Why is it we couldn't cure You with Love

Where did You go Swami as You are Everywhere 
Including in our hearts with Love
Where did You go though our Beloved Swami
Where can we see You when can we gaze at You

Longing for Divine Vibrations of Love
Which don't seem the same from all else but You
How could we not long to see You Dear Swami
Where did You go Swami please come back soon

Offered with Loving Pranams at Swami's Kamala Charanam, with prayers that He should return soon

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