"I am coming soon! I am coming back!"
- Published on 15 September 2014
Shared by: Vargav Sen
Source: Facebook page of Vargav Sen
Sai Brother Vargav Sen shares his amazing dreams with us:
Dream 1:
July 28th, 2012:
It was a morning dream. I saw people gathered in millions, in Hill View stadium. Everywhere there were banners heralding, 'God returned! Swami returned!' It was amazing.
Then I saw Baba in Shanti Vedika standing and giving Darshan to everyone. 65-70 years was His age. Profuse hair and very very sweetly He was smiling in His dazzling Orange robe.
And then, I saw the Indian army marching in front of Shanti Vedika and offering their salutation to the God. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Sir was leading the procession and then he went to Shanti Vedika for seeking Divine blessings.
I still cannot forget Swami's smile, so beautiful! The dream ends. I am deeply touched by this dream and it again gave me a new hope. It is true that He is there with us all the time but still the world today needs Him Physically.
Dream 2:
January 8th 2013:
My day started with an unusual dream. I saw myself along with my family gathered in Parthi. Huge crowd of devotees assembled in Sai Kulwanth Hall and surprisingly I could hear a lion roaring upstairs of the Prasanthi Mandir where Swami used to stay earlier (Second-floor veranda near the silver door). The lion was roaring and seeing this, the crowd increased.
After some time, I saw Swami's figure appearing, wearing the Red robe and that crown like hair, but the face of Swami was not there, instead it was the lion's face - the Narasimha Avatar! Then the lion started giving discourse. I cannot remember what He said. All were taking Darshan and pranams, but the words were not clear.
Yet, I remember so vividly the last words in the discourse, "I am coming soon! I am coming back!" and then to my surprise, the face of the lion vanished and Swami's face appeared and then He came wearing a White robe just for a second. The dream ends.
Dream 3:
September 7th, 2014:
Loving Sai Ram, Sharing with great joy, the dream I had today in the early morning hours - I still cannot guess the place. I saw that me, my mother, father and aunt were coming out from a big Sathya Sai Baba Temple. It was just like a mansion.
First, I saw that me and my father were coming out of the Temple and it was night and the weather suddenly became windy. Me And my Father crossed the road and a car stopped in front of us, now we were standing opposite to the Mandir.
A white car stopped in front of us and the door opened. It was Baba!, Our Beloved Lord Sathya Sai Baba sitting inside the car in His Orange robe. The feeling cannot be put into words. I just bowed down in front of Baba and tears started coming out. I held His hand and asked Him,"How are You?" And Bhagawan was so happy, and such a sweet smile He gave me.
Now suddenly, I saw my mother, aunt and few other devotees were coming out of the Temple I just crossed the road and ran inside telling Baba has come, He will give Darshans, please arrange everybody in the Darshan hall.
Next Scene:
We were all sitting in the Darshan hall, waiting for Bhagawan to come and give Darshan, And our family got the front row. All were so excited, emotional to see Baba again. And the moment came! Baba entered the hall and suddenly in my mobile the chanting of 'Omkar' started on its own. Baba passed by every devotee giving Darshan to one and all. After His rounds, Baba came and sat on His chair.
And I just told my mother. "Maa, the whole world saw Him leaving His body, His death. But now you see, He is just in front of us giving Darshans. This is the power of God, Our SAI!"
The dream ends. It was such a LIVELY EXPERIENCE. Thank-You, BELOVED.
Jai Sai Ram
Posted by : Aanchal Sai Sharma & Sneha Sharma
"I could hear a lion roaring upstairs of the Prasanthi Mandir….. the face of Swami ..... was the lion's face - the Narasimha Avatar! Then the lion started giving discourse."
Only last week, I was prompted to comment about the dream of another devotee in the article 'The Sky Was Splitting Into Half' as it brought to mind a beautiful Radio Sai article…. 'The Cosmic Lion's Roar'…. but the message in YOUR dream is astonishingly clear from Swami's own words:
"Yes my dear, I too am part of your dream. But I am like the roaring lion in the dream. My roaring will wake you up from this dream unto reality!”
May His Almighty Roar reverberate around the Globe to awaken us all from this slumber!
Radio Sai transcript of a talk by Mr G S Srirangarajan: media.radiosai.org/journals/Vol_05/01OCT07/07-Srirangarajan.htm
Radio Sai audio search link: TALK_2007_08_23_02_GSS
This is amazing article. Hope it will happen to the devotees of baba.