I saw Swami appear In front of the MahaSamadhi

Shared by: Chottey Lal Mirakhur on 25th August, 2014

Source: Facebook

Received with delight, Sai Maa's Blessings. I also received Sai Maa's Darshan in tonight's dream. Feeling in dream was, Swami resurrected just in front of Mahasamadhi standing in an open long-long car, looking at everybody, car (chariot like) moving slowly east to west repeatedly. 

Finally, the car stopped in front of Mahasamadhi and Swami climbing the Golden chariot, that was noticed to be already waiting, getting majestically seated and the dream ends. A video film is taken by me & by another person in the dream.

Jai Sai Ram.

Posted by : Aanchal Sai Sharma & Sneha Sharma


Joy2014-09-25 10:24#
How beautiful..... Swami climbing onto the Golden Chariot.
There is a recurring 'Chariot' theme in the dreams of many devotees about Baba's reappearance.
Lord Rama returning to Ayodhya after years in exile!

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Published by Aanchal Sai Sharma & Sneha Sharma

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