Swami coming from His MahaSamadhi

Shared by: Aravind Jayaraman

This Dream came to my own sister on Sunday 23rd March, 2014 night.

She was in Sai Kulwanth Hall, suddenly there were too many cracks on Swami's Maha Samadhi, after that she saw Swami resurrecting from His Maha Samadhi. Swami is going to come very soon, in the same Sathya Sai form, be ready to see.

Sai Love

Posted by : Aanchal Sai Sharma & Sneha Sharma


Krishan. Dev
Krishan. Dev2014-09-21 06:44#
A.R.Chauhan2014-11-06 17:02#
May Swami make this dream a reality. All Sai devotees are waiting eagerly for this great event.
A.R.Chauhan, Shimla, India.
Arvind Katyal
Arvind Katyal2015-03-13 19:35#
Sai Ram

How are you Chauhan Sahib. Hope you were once registrar of HPU Shimla. I was a student of MBA from 1985-87.

I am in Ottawa. We have Sai centre which is considered to be second Prasanthi Nilayam.
Many sai devotees from Prasanthi have visited this place. The moment when i entered this centre in April 2013, it appeared from the very first instance that I am in Prasanthi. I just cried and cried.
I had Canadian immigration and earlier i lived in Calgary for some time. How i was moved to Ottawa, who changed my mind. Now whenever i go there, it gives me strong feeling that Sai will come back and all of us would see him physically in his centre in Ottawa.

Sai Ram
Anesh2018-01-29 07:46#
Om Sairam

What a Divine Leela it would be to see and witness our beloved Bhagawan Shri Sathya Sai Baba return in His physical form as we know Him to be. I am praying to hear this great news soon so the World can witness that advent of the Lord of the Universe reappearing from the dead....Jai Sairam

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Published by Aanchal Sai Sharma & Sneha Sharma

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