Your Word

By Jullie Chaudhuri

Your words, my sweet Lord…
…proclaim and denote Your Word… 
…a shimmering pledge…divinely purled…
…a promised undertaking heavenly aparelled…
…that can never be flawed…
…nor ignored…
With sun rays and moonbeams marvellously embroidered,
Nothing can impede the manifestation of Your Word…

Oh!  So enamoured…
…am I with Your Word,
Every cell of my being is transfixed…
…forever enraptured by Your Word…
Each heartbeat remains supremely stirred…
…with Your Word…
Unlike the words of a mortal…
…contrary and contradictory…
…so often compromised…
…and bartered…
Your words know no reverse…
…for they stem from the Source…
…unaltered, unfettered…undeterred…
Your word is a Cosmic Statement…
…a Sacrosanct Oath…
…remaining in the ether perennially sculptured…
…celestially flavoured…supremely empowered…
…creation owes its existence to Your Word… 

Your words have arms that embrace my soul, 
Your words show the path that lead me on towards my goal,
Your words have feet that leave footprints in my heart…
Your words make me aware that from You I am never apart,
Your words have eyes that give my hope sight…
Your words alone light up the darkest night,
Your words are an eternal guide…
…Your words intercept any affliction…
 …a loving communiqué that You are always by my side,  
Beyond the worldly furnace…
…Your words radiate a higher purpose,
From any and every kind of negativity and doubt,
Your words are a way out…
The mesmeric effect of Your words none can flout…

Your words are a perennial escort…
…a solution to the material whirl… 
…Your words represent a celestial resort…
Your words illustrate truth to the core…
Your words are a steadfast commitment…
…that compellingly reveal…
… there is so much more in store…
Your words…what can I say about Your words…
…each word symbolises…Your Word of Honour…
 Oh! So naturally…reverentially…passionately…
…must I not honour Your word…?
Your words…Your Word, Beloved Mother Sai…
…has manoeuvred the Universe…
…through eons gone by,
Preciously treasured, charmingly recollected, 
…revered, remembered and adored… 
…each breath salutes the sanctity of Your Word…
…even as I, Beloved Lord, along with the rest of creation…
…patiently, eagerly…
…fervently await the absolute fulfilment…
…the sublime materialisation of Your Word…



KARTHIKEYAN2015-08-29 05:17#
radha2015-08-29 06:54#
Aum Sri sairam true...

S.NAGARAJAN2015-08-31 03:44#
Straight from the Heart where Swami dwells!

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