A message awaited

Sreejith Narayan

My dream during the early hours of November 19, 2014.

In the dream Swami was talking to a large group. I was also present. 

Swami said "I will be giving an important message on My Birthday which no one should ignore"

He did not mention what would be the nature of the message, how it would be delivered or to whom. Since in the dream He was speaking to a large gathering, I felt that the message could be public in nature. The impression I got from the dream was that He may NOT be appearing on His Birthday, however, something important is coming that we need to be alert about.


badri narayanan p
badri narayanan p2014-11-22 07:19#
It's great to know that Swamy intends to say something.. whatever it would be, it's clear that he intends to break the long silence - to address larger public - and an early intercession to stall the fast drift from world peace and harmony was imminent. Thanks for sharing. We all await with anxiety for an early return to peace and harmony across the world! Sai Ram.
Apurva2014-11-22 08:11#
sairam! awaiting the message! However you got this dream on nov 19 2014 so how is the post dated as october 20 2014?
Nirmal2014-12-03 08:24#
What do you mean Apurva Is this not posted on November 20th? I am seeing the post date as 20 November 2014
Apurva2014-12-03 18:45#
When I saw it was so. May be a typo error, nothing more than that, I also saw that it was changed later. I am a regular follower and my concern was that if it was posted on October 20 already how did i miss the DIVINE DREAM? Then when the correct date reflected I understood.
Sreejith Narayan - STKC
Sreejith Narayan - STKC2014-12-03 18:54#
Sairam dears, I wrongly put the date in as October 20 when I created it in a hurry. I updated it later to the actual posted date i.e. November 20, when Apurva pointed it out.
Jim Martineau
Jim Martineau2014-11-24 02:36#
Very Beautiful Dream Sreejith....thank you for sharing this
badri narayanan p
badri narayanan p2014-11-24 10:24#
dear brother, I note that Swamy didn't say "my birth day in 2014"! It's often the case that Swamy keeps things in subtle suspense to test our patience/ firmness of our faith.. Years ago, in 1968 I think, Swamy came to Tiruchy town in Tamilnadu on a 2 day visit or so, and declared on the last day "I will come again in April"..Three Aprils went by and He came at length on a April anyway! That is Swamy!

Timing of His intercessions are always difficult to estimate from even His own words! We wait impatiently to be saved from a chaos created by our own irresponsibility / ignorance. I reflect on the words of Gurudev Tagore in Gitanjali: "I know you priceless wealth is in Thee and that thou art my best friend... but i have not the heart to sweep away the tinsel that fills my room (read: mind).. I hate it, yet hug it in love.."! That is precisely our position (not of Tagore's, the devotee par excellence). So we have no right to demand his action when 'we' want.. we have to wait for his own time!

Sai Ram
Jim Martineau
Jim Martineau2014-11-25 02:37#
I must say.....I think at least part of this special message from SAI has been given thru the concert given by Dana Gillespie in Prasanthi Nilayam today (or yesterday)....so so many crystal clear messages!!!!!! Wow......fantastic!!!!!!!

It's all about LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May each of us bring it to the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you Sreejith.
Sadasiva Kumar
Sadasiva Kumar2014-11-25 07:41#
A very Divine message. Eagerly awaiting Swami's instructions!!!
Hari2014-11-26 16:07#
Dear Sreejith,

Did you get the birthday message?
Sreejith Narayan - STKC
Sreejith Narayan - STKC2014-12-03 18:59#Reply
badri narayanan p
badri narayanan p2014-12-02 07:10#
Today I received a sms citing this website (saikingdom) saying "I have to be in the present form till I complete my mission.... maya mind can not understand my Master Mind" Baba. Received from mobile: 919444578708. Is it from you brother? (This comment is not for publication unless you deem it useful to share publicly. You may reply by sms itself)

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Published by Sreejith Narayan

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