Oh! Supreme Advent...Come Now, Honour Your Intent...
- Published on 25 March 2014
By Jullie Chaudhuri
March – April 2011
25th March 2011…thus far, the final darshan…wan and sallow…dim and faded appeared the rays of the sun…angst, so human a sentiment, encloaked the environ…
Tough times…toughening process…those days filled with uncertainty, alarm and apprehension…unease, strain and trepidation…that something was amiss…not knowing what to do…acute was the helplessness…with prayers as the only refuge.
Prayers to Him…for Him. Can we argue with God…?
We can only try…and cajole our Mother…strive hard to persuade our Father…plead, appeal, beseech, implore and entreat our Friend, Guide and Gurudeva…that bereft are we…He has to come around…existence has meaning only because of His Presence.
He signifies life…of what use is living…without a life…doesn’t it amount to merely subsisting? What is the fate of a crop when faced with a drought so crippling…? Nature was confronting a sudden winter in the middle of spring…if a song has no tune…how can one with harmony sing…?
The Beloved One was determined…so were we…with fervent endeavours to beg Him to do something.
Even so, the All Knowing One wouldn’t relent…the onus was on us to be patient for the moment…work upon ourselves and watch the Divine Plan unfold as per His Will.
However, neither a second…nor a moment has been forgotten or relegated to the background…every bit is writ in large print on the screen of the heart, mind and soul. Nothing can assuage or diminish…in howsoever a minute manner – the sting, the soreness…the pain felt by each cell of the being.
Oh, Compassion Incarnate, Beloved Bhagawan…so much You took and kept taking upon Your Physical Frame…flawless and fathomless is Your approach, method, tactic and technique…this is certain…it is all beyond human reason, unencumbered are You…beyond any and every boundary…no finite mind can ever grasp Your ways…suffice for us to be fully aware that You are the vital, pivotal Source…You – the Primary Force. It is You Who writes and shapes the Cosmic Script…it is You Who pronounces each edict…Your intent, words and deeds outline the Laws of the Universe.
The ‘power hungry’, selfish, greedy, callous, heinous inhuman ‘human’ mannerisms…has entrapped man firmly in the material ‘race for supremacy’ clasp…bringing Earth to the brink of collapse…
All that i know is that…boundless are You, Oh! Most Cherished Mother Sai…my heart acknowledges You as that Ultimate Incarnation…and thus…it desires supreme honour for this Advent…even as it knows that this Supreme Advent will honour each and every one of Its intent.
There is nothing that Divine Power cannot accomplish. It can transmute Earth into sky and sky in to Earth. To doubt this is to prove you are too weak to grasp the grandeur of the Universal. – Baba
Avatars do not succeed or fail; what they will must occur; what they plan must take place. I have come to establish a golden chapter in the history of humanity, wherein falsehood will fail, truth will triumph, and virtue will reign. Character will confer power then, not knowledge or inventive skill or wealth. Wisdom will be enthroned in the council of nations. – Baba
My Beloved Bhagawan…emphatically do i recognize, accept and affirm that i have chosen to be born in this era to witness Your glory, the unfolding of glorious golden times as foretold by You…this is the pact and package my soul knows it chose…
…And so my soul seeks superlative honour for this Advent…even as it knows that this Absolute Advent of the Supreme…will honour Its intent…each and every extraordinary intent…for the He, Who is being referred to and all that He did state…is not some ordinary person…but the Foremost Controller of destiny and fate…Whom nothing in existence can ever equate…for He is the Principal Substance…He is God Incarnate.
Swami answers the question what sign will He give that the Golden Age is beginning (by stating that) the glory of Sai will spread to every part of the world. It will increase a thousand fold. – Sanathana Sarathi, December 1993
Do not consider Sai Baba as a mere figure five feet three inches tall. His Presence will be felt all over the world. Wait and see. – Baba
As days pass, even those who are not now able to recognize the Truth of Swami will have to approach with tears of repentance and experience Me. Swami is now restraining this development. When once it is allowed to manifest, the whole world will be transformed into Prashanti Nilayam. – Baba
The Sathya of Sathya Sai will prevail to enchant future generations with many a wondrous Divine Trail and Sublime Tale…the Truth…no folktale…His infallible grace ensures that no doubt assails…that faith should never be stale, pale nor frail…a feeling does grow surely and certainly within the core – the era of Sathya Sai has so much more grandeur in store…
Thus, how can this soul not seek Supreme Honour for this oh, so dearly cherished Almighty Advent…
…when it knows with utmost certainty…that this Advent of that Supreme Absolute will forever steadfastly honour Its Intent…?
Now, what about our intent…?
Even as we enhance our sadhana, discipline…introspection and self improvement agenda…Let us accelerate our intent…intensify our intensity… renew our contract with ourselves…vow, pledge…pressing blemishes and characteristics address, reform…redress…visualize the whole of His creation crying out for Him…He will manifest instantaneously…let us picture – space, air, fire, water, earth…mountains, plants, insects, reptiles, birds, animals, aquatic creatures calling out to Him…let us envision each atom, molecule, every speck of His creation…not only upon Earth…but even on other planets and Brahmands…rishis, saints, sages, masters…all celestial forms…supporting our plea, Mother Earth’s tears…merging with our own piteous sobs of lament to hasten Him back in our midst…unto Planet Earth…unto Prasanthi Nilayam…
The time is approaching when all humanity will live in harmony. That time will be here sooner than one expects. Before it arrives, be prepared for whatever is needed to reveal to every living thing the true purpose of existence. It is not what anyone alive can imagine. It is beyond all comprehension. I can say that its beauty is magnificent beyond all dreams. And as each of you perform your silent work, I embrace you to My Heart and henceforth your souls shall be lifted up and your eyes will reveal My Presence within. – Baba
(…) I am the security for the people on the face of the earth just as stars are security for inhabitants of heavens…Pray more for an early reappearance as in it lies your success. – Bihar-ul-Anwar Vol 13 Part 1, English Translation
Every prayer…each earnest supplication is lodged in the ether…transcending realms…embracing the Cosmic Essence…invoking heavenly benevolence and clemency…attracting and prevailing upon the mercy of the Matchless Sovereign…that tender Universal Heart…to finally culminate in a boon…the triumph of perseverance and patience…a long awaited benediction.
And so…the soul does wait and sigh…absorbedly…keenly…intently visualizing Beloved Mother Sai…Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai…Dearest of all that is dear…for only one thing shines crystal clear…luminescent and bright in my sphere…a sole desire…all that my soul does desire is – Supreme Honour for this oh, so dearly treasured absolute Almighty Advent…
…and it knows with utmost certainty…that this Advent of that Supreme Absolute will eternally honour Its Intent…
(All the quotes merged herein have delightfully wafted through the wondrous scroll dedicated at the Lotus Feet by Sreejith Narayan – Sai Thy Kingdom Come…come may it soon…)
i miss You, Beloved Bhagawan…
Nothing attracts the mind…
…for nothing distracts it…
…relentlessly the soul does Thee pursue…
…this overwhelming ardor nothing can subdue…
…from material manipulations and opportunism…
You must come and rescue…
…Your words, the heart does constantly preview…
…value and view…
Come, alter, transmute, commute…
…all questions in to a proclamation…
…an exalted exclamation…
…i miss You…Beloved Bhagawan…
…i miss You true…
…don’t ask me not to, dear Mother Sai…
…for i simply cannot comply…
…i miss You, i miss You so, sweet Lord…
…helpless am i…
…how can i not…?
As it journeyed through lifetimes…
…epochs, eons, ages…
…many a form the soul did wrought…
…a myriad impressions surreptitiously begot…
…a dormant feeling…a restless disenchantment…
…a vexed discontent…
Your Subtle Essence did the subconscious besot…
…in spite of every luxury…
…‘something’ was missing…
…je ne sais quoi…an elusive not knowing what…
Yet, all through the glittering synthetic onslaught…
…thickly engrossed in Maya’s plot…
…chance encounters with Thy Presence…
…severed a colossal karmic knot…
…gradually Thy substance did my being absorb…
…through countless millennia…
…Your name has echoed in my heart…
…You were and are my Guide, my Lucky Mascot…
…my constant Escort…
You i have loved…with You i fought…
…You made me complete…You made me distraught…
…thoughts of You did my mind besot…
…no answer to the ‘why, how or what…’
…the mere mention of Your name, Beloved Mother Sai…
…to my heart does immense bliss re-allot…
Restlessly through it all…
…at all times…
…subtly…wholly…it is You my soul sought…
Like the longing of the Sea for the Shore…
…the outer longed to link with the inner core…
Like the mingling of the wind and the rain…
Like the silent symphony between the earth and the sky…
Like the blending of a flower and its fragrance…
…like the craving of a dark night for a glimpse of light…
…like an agile mind’s quest…
…for deep understanding and insight…
Like a parched terrain for a few drops of water…
Like a king for his heir…and his kingdom…
Like a calf for its mother…
Just like the pure love a canine holds for its master…
…feelings for You did my spirit stir…
…Only now do i deeply comprehend, Dear Lord…
…that any and every restlessness in reality…
…translated into a restlessness for God…
It is You in totality…
Your enchanting Form…
That too…
…and why not…?
However, more than that it is Your word…
…the precision with which all that You have ever uttered…
…has thus far proven…
…oh, so true…
Beloved Bhagawan…Dear God…
Your word is the Gospel…Your word is the Truth…
Each utterance becomes the Gospel Truth…
…to accept this ‘drama’, sweet Lord…
…this interlude in the Divine Script…
…as a final adieu…
…this theory my essence does…
…wholly and ‘soully’ boycott…
i miss You, my loving God…
…every darshan is recalled with great delight…
…25th March 2011…gave us a final sight…
…thus far…
Every heartbeat…
…places salutations at Thy petal soft Lotus Feet…
Come, now…
Now, come soon…
…creation seeks honour for this Supreme Advent…
Oh! Thee, All Surpassing Pristine Advent…
…put an end…
…to this agonized wait…
…this torment…
…accept our repent…
…augment our ascent…
…hear our cry ever so fervent…
Come, now…Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai…
Oh! Supreme Advent…
Come now and honour Your intent…