The Kodai Incident: "Reappearance"?
- Published on 12 June 2014
Sreejith Narayan
Over the past few days I have been closely following the news coming in regarding Swami's Kodaikanal "Appearance". I have verified the news through reliable sources including the father of one of the boys who was part of the Kodaikanal gathering. From what I know, only one boy was able to see Swami and hear His Discourse. So this boy was repeating what Swami was saying. Nevertheless, it is exciting news!
Many devotees have opined on this as the "Reappearance" of Swami. However in my humble opinion, "Not yet"! It may very well be a beginning of events to unfold since the Discourses were given to a large group of about 150 people, unlike some other incidents that happened around the world where Swami appeared to individual devotees.
One particular passage from Swami's Discourse (translated transcription) on May 13, 2014 stood out for me (as a firm believer in the Reappearance).
Swami says: "This is a very, very sacred, very unique time in the history of mankind, where One Spirit is moving on into the other. Soon, Bhagawan’s Mission will grow, expand and reach all the corners of the world, and the New Avatar, Bhagawan will come back physically, for those who crave for it, as the new Avatar, as another Sai Avatar, very shortly. And as long as you have this faith that Bhagawan is with you, you shall all participate in the Mission which will continue from this Avatar to the next".
At the first glance it may appear that Swami is speaking of Prema Sai since He mentions "another Sai Avatar". However I have reasons to believe that Swami is speaking of the Part II of the Sathya Sai form in a new (manifested) body. I shall elaborate on this in another article if Swami permits.
Hopefully things will start happening in a higher magnitude pretty soon!
Baba's recent visit to Italy and forthcoming visit to USA during next month are clear hints and events to be closely followed and analysed by all STKCians and ardent devotees.
Jai Bolo Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba ji kee!
Let us hope everything will be cleared in matter of time and hope something good will happen
I'm so glad you came to MDH with an open mind. I read the books part I and II of The Story Divine and found them riveting as well as compelling. What comes to mind is the dream by Craig Hamilton-Parker:
"My Sathya Sai Baba Dreams suggesting a return
I had an interesting dream about Sathya Sai Baba recently and wonder if other followers have had anything similar. It is part of a longer dream that saw me talking with swami about various personal issues but it was the start of the dream that I thought was intriguing.
"The dream is simple: In the dream I find myself walking with Sathya Sai Baba. We are walking though a giant cloister of a college/cathedral. We walk around a rectangular open area of grass surrounded by open galleries. I notice that there are Sai Baba devotees squabbling and trying to divide up the lush lawn with fences. I am a little shocked as the grass area is meant for everyone.
"Sai Baba look over at it with no concern and nonchalantly says “Oh don’t bother about all of that. I’ll sort it out when I return.” "
It would appear Craig's dream addresses the factioning between MDH and PN, and with the dream comes the assurance that Baba will sort it all out upon His certain return. It seems to me, an aspect of Baba that is furthering His mission in His physical absence. Through this subtle form phase 20+ new free schools and free hospitals have opened all over India, as well as one hospital at least in Africa. Also, it appears that all those who were promised a Divine visit from Baba are experiencing a fulfillment of that promise in this way. It seems to me to be a brilliant continuation of His mission, the first part being the 85+ years in a physical body, the next several years in a subtle form, seen by only a few, and the final phase, yet to come, being in physical again, this time with the full majesty of who He is fully on display for the whole of mankind to witness, if from afar. He will be a speck in the distance and we who had the opportunity to be in His physical proximity during that first phase will realize our great good fortune.