Dreams & Visions of Devotees

The Divine Procession

HAPPY GANESH CHATURTHI....Readers may recall the articles titled May the Lord's Glory illuminate this earth, This is the time for the gifts and A Golden Age Awaits!, which were based on the experiences of Marie Perron. Marie has shared a few more recent powerful dream experiences that she had regarding Swami's Reappearance.

By Marie Perron

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This is going to happen soon

We are removing the first post as per the below request from Sri Seetharaman.

Sairam. Pranams at the Lotus feet of mother Sai. This is C. Seetharaman writing to you. I have been blessed by Swami and receiving the Divine messages for so many years. Whenever I get any messages from Bhagawan as requested by many I share it to a small closed group of people. One of my postings in my group was sent to you by someone and it has been published in your website.

I felt lot of people may take the message in their own views and can comment good or bad. It has been clearly mentioned that " the Sages, Saints and Mahaneeya are coming to the Punya Bhoomi to save this world " some may predict that Bhagawan Himself landing earth exactly on 14th April.

I never come into the public life as Swami never likes propaganda or publicity. Since many have called me and said that a message shared by me was posted in your website. I feel that the message shouldn't mislead anyone.

My request to you to kindly remove the content from your website and Facebook.

With lot of love and blessings from our beloved Swami.



STKC also received the below dream of Reverend Leonora, Sai Grace Ashram U.K.

I just woke up from a beautiful dream. Sri Sathya Sai came and sat on my bed. He was looking at me for a long time. I sat up and then He spoke. He said “Bangaroo you have been worried about some of the negative writings during these past weeks. I want you to tell my devotees, that I need ALL of them to survive this virus. I need all of you for the glorious future that will emerge out of the confusion and fears. You are ALL my spiritual soldiers. I have taught you to LOVE ALL AND SERVE ALL - HELP EVER HURT NEVER. This is My legacy. Sometimes you stray from this path, but I always bring those of you who do back, because I need ALL my spiritual soldiers now and in the future. Please give my message and then be at peace. I am guarding you all like the eyelid guards the eye.” Then I really woke up just now and felt this important message should be sent. Love and blessings

- Reverend Leonora-Sai Grace Ashram U.K.

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Now the time has come for Me to return to earth


Readers may recall the articles titled May the Lord's Glory illuminate this earth, This is the time for the gifts and A Golden Age Awaits!, which were based on the experiences of Marie Perron. Marie has shared a few more recent powerful dream experiences that she had regarding Swami's Reappearance.

By Marie Perron

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Shared by Sister Natrisha Choonilall

Sister Natrisha (Trish) shares her mother's dream in her email below:

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Chariot Darshan



Shared by Brother Vargav Sen via Facebook on Thursday February 21, 2019

Thursday today (21.02.2019) started with an early morning dream of Swami after a long span of time. Swami's dreams i generally keep to myself or share with few of my close ones. But this dream which i saw today the voice of within is whispering to share with all as i feel there is a Message. It was yesterday only during afternoon i felt like posting a picture of Swami with the saying "HE WHO WILL COME , WILL COME AND WILL NOT DELAY " but i dropped the thought as some work assignments came in that very moment. Neways now i want to straightaway come to the point the dream of this early morning.

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YES!!! For the sake of a few devotees...


Shared by Brother Mohana Sai from Prasanthi Nilayam, May 9th, 2018

My colleague, who normally does not talk much about His Return, but follows Him in his own diligent 'sadhana route' had a unique dream this early morning.

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Sai the Saviour has come!!!

(Pictures by Aravind Jayaraman)


By: Aravind Jayaraman


I got a dream on May 4, 2018 3 AM. It is as follows:

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Soon I shall reveal Myself

The name Jiten Thakrar would be familiar to most of the STKC readers. Brother Jiten is a Sai instrument based out of the United Kingdom, currently engaged in propagating the Global Gayathri Mantra Program, a mission assigned by the Lord Himself! Another major work of him of late is creating video documentaries capturing the Sai HIS-story. By profession, he used to be in the media industry working for media giants. Leaving behind that successful career, he has completely dedicated his life to Sai Seva, putting his media and videography background to great use by creating beautiful Sai documentaries to educate this generation of Sai devotees on Swami and His life. This work too is prompted to him by Bhagawan.

Brother Jiten has been receiving many visions and dreams of Bhagawan in His various forms, guiding him in his personal Sadhana and in his Divine work as a Sai instrument. Usually such messages are personal in nature that are not to be disclosed to all. However, he feels that the below dream needs to be shared with all STKCians, as it concerns with the return of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

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The New Earth in New Heaven


(Pictures by Karthikeyan)

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A Golden Age Awaits!


Readers may recall the articles titled May the Lord's Glory illuminate this earth and This is the time for the gifts which were based on the experiences of Marie Perron. Marie has shared a few more recent powerful dream experiences that she had regarding Golden Age and Swami's Reappearance.

By Marie Perron

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A few reassuring Sai dreams



By the Grace of our beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, here are some Sai dreams of certain devotees (who wish to remain anonymous), assuring the return of our beloved Lord.

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Have you any doubt still?

Shared by a devotee who prefers to stay anonymous

Sairam. I would like to share one of my dreams with you. It was night time and I was standing on a rooftop. Suddenly meteors started falling from the sky and I started to run to a safe place. Then the same dream started all over again. This time, before I started to run, I saw a huge image of Swami in the sky looking about 40 years of age, wearing red robe.

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Glimpse of the coming Golden Era

By Jim Martineau

Sai Ram Sreejith and STKC family,

I had dream vision in the early hours of the morning on March 7, 2017.

Swami, in the form of a young (maybe 40 years old) Sathya Sai Baba, spent several hours with myself and about 20 other pure true truth aspirants. There were children and adults, friends of mine that are living, along with some who have died, all with Swami in a most divinely joyous atmosphere.

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By Karthikeyan

Sairam to all fellow SKTCians, I request all to take the below article only as an analysis and not as a prediction on the date of Swami’s Reappearance. Only Bhagawan knows His plans and His day of Reappearance.

I feel there is a possibility of Swami’s reappearance on the Smartha Ekadesi Day  - December 24, 2016 Saturday - 3:32 AM up to December 25, 2016 Sunday 5:33 AM, based on the following factors.

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Swami's arrival is Swami's new Birthday

Shared by: Sophia Sai
Date: December 7th, 2016

Sairam to one and all,

Today in the early hours, I was blessed with a Divine promise (I trust and I believe so), indicating the time frame of our Beloved Swami's arrival, in the form of a vivid vision.

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On the way!

Shared by a devotee who prefers to stay anonymous


I had two dreams of Swami:

1) First one in January 2015 which is a dream related to Swamis Re-emergence.

2) Second one on November 13, 2016 which is a dream related to Reappearance.

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"I will give you a surprise!"


Shared by: Sophia Sai
Source: Facebook page of STKC
Date: November 14, 2016

SaiRam to one and all,

I wanted to share three of my vivid dreams that I received on the 4th, 6th, and the 9th of November, 2016. I took some time to post them here, as I awaited the Divine approval.

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This is the time for the gifts

Readers may recall the article posted on February 20, 2016 titled May the Lord's Glory illuminate this earth, which was based on the experiences of Marie Perron, shared with STKC by her husband Bhaktor Yvn. Marie has shared a few more recent powerful dream experiences that she had regarding Swami's Reappearance.

By Marie Perron

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The Rapture

Shared by: Steve Pearce

SaiRam Brother Sreejith, 

My name is Steve Pearce from West Australia. After reading Sister Sophia Sai's vision, I felt prompted to let you know of a dream I had on Sunday, July 24th.

I've known Swami for about 25 years and been to see Him about 16 times since February 1997. I used to get many dreams of Swami but these days they are quite rare.

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The New Earth Shambala

Shared by: Sophia Sai
Date: July 23, 2016
Source: Facebook page of STKC

Sairam to one and all,

I got a beautiful and astounding vision in the early hours of 21st of July 2016.

The vision:

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Let's prepare for the Golden Age

Happy Guru Purnima to all.

On this auspicious day, it gives me great joy in sharing the below vision that my Sai Sister Anu was blessed with during the wee hours of Sunday July 10th.
Before we get to the details, a little background on Anu’s experience with Swami’s Reappearance and STKC. In 2012 when STKC was published, I had given her a copy to read. Even though she was not inclined to the belief echoed in the book, due to my constant follow-ups, she decided to read it just to make me happy. However, after finishing the book she was overwhelmed with many questions and prayed to Bhagawan to give her a sign if the book premise was true. That night Swami came in her dream and answered that the book and its message were true. Since then she has been an enthusiastic believer in Swami’s Reappearance. After that she had not received any dream related to Swami’s Reappareance until now (even though she gets powerful dreams and visions of Swami quite often with messages related to her spiritual life).

She was initially hesitant on publishing this vision but later on sent me the details with the message "I have a strong feeling that this should be posted immediately, so please do so as quickly as possible". So here it is…

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